All About Us….

We are a family of four living in Raleigh, NC, and want to share our travel experiences with others.

Our kids are 22 months apart and are very active + adventurous. Travel planning with our family is a journey in itself. One thing we realized is that we are not alone in our experiences with family travel. We want to contribute to that community by sharing our own details about our trips & the related preparation.

We work full-time jobs during the day while running this blog & podcast in our downtime (aka when the kids are asleep). Our ultimate goal is to turn this into a functional, self-sustaining business, while having fun and traveling with our family. Our posts + podcasts will cover everything we go through when planning trips. This will include destination decisions, travel itineraries + planning, review of the actual trip, and a fully transparent financial discussion of the trip. Some of our posts will include an affiliate link, for which we earn a commission should you make a purchase after clicking that link.

We hope you find this beneficial as we found other family travel blogs extremely helpful over the past year. Even if it made us realize that others have shared experiences, it made travel with our children that much more enjoyable.

Have questions about our travels or comments? Feel free to reach out and let us know! Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@wayfaringwillards) and drop a comment!